Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Today was a day filled with fun, love, productivity and blessings!!!  I LOVE when God gives me (us) days like this! 

I was so unbelievably exhausted this morning after being sick all weekend, then teaching all day yesterday, then working at the Community Honors Banquet at school and washing banquet dishes till after 10pm.  I had to force my body out of the bed this morning to get the girls to school.  Jeff and I were scheduled for our USCIS fingerprinting today and we had errands and banking to take care of as well.  To say that I was lacking ambition when I got up is an understatement.    

But... off we went.  The girls were dropped off at school and we headed over to the medical lab for Jeff to get stuck in the arm for follow up blood tests.  After waiting an hour, I left him and went to the bank to start working on our cashier's check for BLAS and a wire transfer for CCCWA.  He finished and actually walked down to the bank to meet me. It was such a beautiful morning!  After another hour at the bank, we finally had a feeling of success and treated ourselves to a wonderful breakfast out.  I can't remember the last time Jeff and I went out to breakfast, just the two of us.  It was so much FUN!!!  It was almost like a DATE!  By now, I was WIDE AWAKE and feeling pretty good!

After fueling ourselves up at breakfast, we fueled up the car, grabbed a couple of .99 sweet teas at Dunkin Donuts and hit the highway for Tampa!  We arrived at USCIS about 30 minutes early.  The people there were awesome!  They were smiling and friendly and FUNNY!!  Of course they DID make Jeff take his "Macgyver" swiss army knife and put it in the car!  Somehow I guess they frown upon those sorts of things at the Dept. of Homeland Security!  LOL  

We fully expected to have to wait a while to get our prints done, especially since the waiting area was pretty full.  But... we were logged in, printed, done and leaving 15 minutes before our scheduled appointment time!  WOW!   What a surprise at a government office!! 

On the way back home I received a HUGE surprise of an email update from BAAS!!!  We received Ian's current measurements AND four new photos!!!!  (See below)  I was thrilled since the last measurements we had for him were dated March 2011, so it was a bummer not having something more current.  So how odd is it for a ch*nese orphan boy to be in the 95 percentile for his age/height/weight????    He's now 44.5 inches tall, 50.7 lbs, 21.3 inch head, 23.4 inch chest.  OMG!  I think that must make him a size 6 or something?!?!?

He's so STINKIN' CUTE!!!

I can not figure out WHAT he is doing in this picture!?!?!  But he's STILL cute!!!

Not looking like a happy camper here... done with the camera maybe???

To top off the day, we went looking at furniture for Ian's room and found my mother's day present... a cool standing mirrow with a jewelry cabinet inside!  I always wanted one!!  YAY ME!!!! :-)  

NOW... to get all my stuff IN THERE!!!!

Like I said... it's been a GREAT DAY!!!  Thank you Lord for the day that You have made!



  1. Oh, he is doing that peace sign they all do in China when they take pictures :) That is my 2 cents. hee hee. {I LOVE your mirror...lil bit jealous}

  2. Hi Lynette! Ahhhh...the victory sign...could be. I have a pic of him doing it really well but maybe this was an action shot and he was quite there yet?????? LOL

    My mirror is pretty cool. Although I'm not thrilled seeing myself full length all the time! LOL
