Friday, March 16, 2012

The Paper Pregnancy

You know, some days are so great and others are a drag.  We get ourselves all excited about some piece or pieces of paperwork that have processed through their necessary stage and then... BAM... there's another one we have WAIT for.  I started to let myself get frustrated and sad by this and then I had a realization... an epiphany of sorts.  If we had just recently announced that I was pregnant and expecting our third biological child, we would have 9 months to wait for the wonderful arrival of our new lil' Jekabsons.  Sure an expecting mommy gets uncomfortable at the end and can't wait for that delivery, but we go along with it to the end, celebrating the victory when that bundle arrives!  Well... my new outlook is the same now with Ian. (for today, anyhow)  This is our "paper pregnancy".   It is different in many ways, but similar in others.  From this point on, I am going to try to focus on the blessings of the "pregnancy" while we wade through the bureaucracy and paperwork approaching delivery day, known as "Gotcha Day" in the adoption arena.  It's going to be some long months ahead as we wait, but that "Gotcha Day" with Ian will be worth it!

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